Thursday, January 18, 2007

motivation and such...

today I had mechanics class. sad but true: I had almost no idea what he was talking about, I mean rigid bodies, moment of inertia, euler, ok but the Feynman story? I really have to go through that again, got totally confused. And everyone's freaked because of the modern physics exam...
Anyway. TheOnlyOtherGirl, we take modern physics together, was at my place to study. I really tried but got nowhere. This constant feeling-stupid is giving me a hard time.
So in the end we decided to go out and drink to our silliness - not open the depressing bottle of wine and hang at my kitchentable that is stuffed with books and papers. Wow! I remembered why I'm doing all this. The 3-Body-Genesis-Thingy came to my mind - she hadn't heard about it yet - and while telling her the story I had these awesome shudders! Mechanics can really be totally sexy! All the frustration is just gone, and when I came home I finished another part of my modern physics assignment - not all of it, but still - just not let any demotivation come up again.

Also, monday I had the best, fastest, nicest and most interested medstudents lab group ever! During my days off I really didn't look forward to embarrassing myself in front of the meds again, but the last 2 groups were really great!!

Isn't life great? At least for tonight frustration is gone and I'm just happy!
physics is great! aloha

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